You have no idea what Jesus actually said. He did not leave anything in writing.
You are only able to read what people wrote several decades later. And the words they put onto Jesus' lips were their own words to their own community.
why do jws insist on still quoting from the old testament to back up some of their wacky ideas?
such as on blood, beards, abortion, tattoos, etc.
surely if the mosaic law code was nailed to the torture stake all of its parts were cancelled.
You have no idea what Jesus actually said. He did not leave anything in writing.
You are only able to read what people wrote several decades later. And the words they put onto Jesus' lips were their own words to their own community.
why do jws insist on still quoting from the old testament to back up some of their wacky ideas?
such as on blood, beards, abortion, tattoos, etc.
surely if the mosaic law code was nailed to the torture stake all of its parts were cancelled.
The Hebrew Scriptures and its Greek translation (the Septuagint -- LXX), as well as books such as 1 Enoch, Jubilees, Sirach, etc., were the authoritative source for the "Jesus-follower" writers. Particularly as their foes - the Pharisees - accepted Tradition as being equal to the written word.
There is also no way that any of the NT writings is to be taken as literal history. None of it is a documentary in the sense that we understand. They were writing religious material, not documentary evidence. The Gospels and the Book of Acts are religious fictions, artfully crafted to manufacture religious outcomes and behaviours. The writings by Paul are simply his opinions -- not shared by all of his contemporaries.
in matthew 7:13-14 says :“enter through the narrow gate, because wide is the gate and spacious the road that leads to destruction, and many go through it; 14 whereas narrow is the gate and strait is the way that leads to life, and few there be that find it.
and revelation 7: 9 says of the great multitude, " after this i saw, and look.
of all the nations and tribes, and nations, and languages, standing before the throne and the lamb, dressed in white clothes, there was a great crowd that no man could count; and in their hands was the palm branches.".
Matthew was written by a community living in 85 CE. The writers were telling the members of their community of their expectations in the light of the pressures they were experiencing, particularly at the hands of the Pharisees. Those Pharisees accepted Tradition to be on a par with the written text but the "Matthew" group were very strictly aligned to the letter of the Biblical Law (not a jot or tittle, as the KJV used to say).
The Book of Revelation was composed by a very different group at a different time for a different purpose. It is a highly erotic symbolic flight of fancy. Clearly also very legalistic Jewish in its outlook. It is a compilation of material from the Jewish writings and I suspect that you will gain a far better insight by reading books such as 1 Enoch and Jubilees to determine whether you can locate the source of the particular passage in Revelation you are referring to.
I suspect that the only place where Matthew and Revelation can be compared is with the 5th Discourse, often termed "The Little Apocalypse" (Matt 23ff).
The passage at Matt 7 appears in the First Discourse formulated by the writers of Matthew.
PS. The words attributed to Jesus are actually the words of the writers placed on his lips.
i am planning on revisiting my (academic) research into the banning of jws in australia in 1941, and was wondering if anyone would have contacts i could interview?
this is obviously a long shot (and it may be children/grandchildren) but i thought it may be worth a shot!.
i am an ex-jw and academic historian, you can see my former published work on jws here:
Hi Jayne,
In the late 1970s I located a number of articles in "Smith's Weekly". I do not think that I have either the copies nor my summary of dates, but I will have a look.
These are at the State Library of Victoria. At that time, all we had were micro fiche, but you could search the Library Catalogue. Just poke SLV into your search engine.
I wish you well. My email address is:
bible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
Hi Irenaeus,
I am not asking about the legitimacy of "inscripturation" or on the accuracy of transmission and the corruption of the text.
I am asking which Canon? Of the variety of Canons - list of documents that make up a collection of Scriptures - exactly what do you mean when you say "The Bible"?
As just one example, do you accept 1 Enoch in "The Bible"? Several canons do, and it is fundamentally significant to the Protestant New Testament.
not with their shunning policy.
me and my brother seldom communicate sadly, but no way would we go anywhere for fear of being seen with an inactive jw for over 10 years..
from the website:.
The ancient Middle Eastern mind did not visualise "all the kingdoms of the world" in the same way that a 21st century mind does. The concepts are completely different.
Just one example of several: "your faith is being reported all over the world" (Romans 1:8, NIV).
For them, the expression "all the kingdoms of the world" related only to the kingdoms they were familiar with. They had no vision of the planet as from a space station, or from the moon
bible contains too much human thinking presented as though from god, thus much of its information brings dishonor to god.. yet it contains great beneficial truths behind the symbols it uses.
let us take the only two cases of miracles jesus performed without any request from anybody which would show the very purpose of his ministry:.
1) jesus healed a woman who “was bent over and could not straighten up at all.” (luke 13:11-13).
When you say "Bible", which Canon do you mean?
not with their shunning policy.
me and my brother seldom communicate sadly, but no way would we go anywhere for fear of being seen with an inactive jw for over 10 years..
from the website:.
The "Satan" of Job is not the "Satanas" of the New Testament. The individual in Job is a "son of God" carrying out activities under Yahweh's permission.
The purpose of the Book of Job was to create an explanation for the sorry state of "God's people", laying the blame away from Yahweh. Their very recent (6th century BCE) experiences coupled with their very recent surge of Monotheism created the issue of Theodicy, which the Book of Job addresses in the concepts of their day.
I suspect it is likely there is a soteriological intent with the story of Satan's temptation of Christ. I will research further but my initial thoughts include:
The intention of the writers (40 to 60 years after the setting of the story) might simply be wanting to show the authority of their ancient written documents.
Secondly, they might be saying that if you are tempted in these ways, this is how you are to respond.
I am probably way off the mark, but it is at least a starting point.
In other words, rather than asking only what did they write, I want to know why they wrote.
If someone offered you the world (winning the lottery; becoming POTUS; etc.) how would you respond? Is that what these writers were posing? And then setting up Christ as the model respondent.
Just assuming at this stage.
not with their shunning policy.
me and my brother seldom communicate sadly, but no way would we go anywhere for fear of being seen with an inactive jw for over 10 years..
from the website:.
Am I correct in thinking that it was "holy spirit" who/that drove Jesus into the wilderness so that Jesus would be tempted?
If that were so, then the satan was simply carrying out a "holy" mission.
Why did these people write these stories? What was their objective at the time they wrote these?
How does the nature of the early account (Mark) compare with the stories as they were developed over time (Matthew -> John -> Luke)?
gradually, i am editing my study on "satan".. here is one edited chapter:. .
Thank you Phizzy,
My desire is to make people think, not to make anyone agree with me. I provide only bits and pieces of ideas, which are covered so well in the books and resources that I cite. I want people to read and study these -- and to cone to their own conclusions.
Using Goodrick and Kohlenberger's "Strongest NIV Exhaustive Concordance" I used an Excel spreadsheet to show graphically the frequency of the Greek words related to Beelzeboul, demons; diabolos, and satanas in Paul, Gospels, Pseudo-Paul, and Revelation.
I have incorporated these into the initial document (pages 12, 13):